security filmToday, we will be discussing the importance of security film for your home. It would be a holiday horror to return from a Christmas or Hanukkah vacation only to find your windows broken and house ransacked.

Reinforcing your home’s weak points by adding security film to windows could have kept the thieves out.

Criminals know that holidays are the perfect time to loot your house with ease.

Protect your memories, priceless heirlooms and your peace of mind with windows that will outlast low life thugs trying to break-in.  Check out our top 3 tips to help you halt would-be opportunists.

3 security tips: wrap up home protection gifts

  1. Add Security Film: 3M Security Window Films stops and blocks a criminal from gaining entry through your windows.  This revolutionary product will keep your window glass from fully breaking and shattering, when installed professionally.

  2. Invest in Covering Windows: Add privacy protection and conceal your front room contents and burglary clues from criminal minds. A clear window view into your home can tell a crook all about you!  Unprotected and untreated windows broadcast your home’s vulnerabilities, while advertising your schedule and weak points.

  3. Remove Beware of Dog Signs: According to a Good Housekeeping article, Ex-burglar warns that a Beware of Dog sign only tells the thief there is no security system.  Therefore, the house with a sign is a prime target for an easy home break-in.

    burglars get an invitation to rob you when your window has beware of dog sign. Stop thieves with security film

    Beware of dog on yellow vintage sign on a white background, vector illustrationIt’s clear that windows are the weakest point of one’s home security package.  Experts warn that leaving valuable in plain view is an open invitation for home invaders.

Block a View to Your Windows

Another simple step highlighted in a Bob Vila article about home advice about doors and windows simple ways to enhance safety and security by using window security film.  The advice warns that a window with a clear view

An open view into a window gives opportunist criminals intelligence on how to best perpetrate a crime there. Giving the thieves an unobstructed view into your windows only makes their job easier. They thrive by seeing this type of perspective into your world.  Robbers will use repeated leisurely walks past an open window to create a visual wish list of items to steal from you. It’s a common tactic to learn about the high dollar tv’s and entertainment systems to easily steal. Additionally, thieves could use the open view window to plan out a hiding place and key spots.  Why not just remove the risk of becoming a home burglary victim by following Vila’s simple steps.

Secure Windows without Bars

Security film is a strong product to deter thieves and keep the window from the danger of shattering glass.  Contact Orlando’s Window Tinting Pros to learn more and get an estimate. Proudly located in Mt. Dora near the Golden Triangle areas.

Security film is a revolutionary product installed by Central Tinting’s Orlando Window Tinting Pros, Utilize it to strengthen the glass and make it shatter proof to hold the window together for protection. Keeps criminals from gaining entry.  Security film makes it harder for the thieves to enter the home.

Don’t leave your home as a present to lurking thieves. Christmas time and holidays is the most crucial time to wrap up a few home protection gifts to keep the unthinkable from happening.  Returning home from the Christmas holiday can be like a horror film if your home’s weak points are vulnerable.

Thanks for learning with us to increase safety and be connected to our family community. Enjoy the wonderful holiday celebrations and those family members, whom you don’t get to see much.




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